Montag, 14. April 2014

My Log 14th of April 2014
The reality of reincarnation and soul matrices

I came to the fallowing insight or theory on soul mechanics. Souls are part of a larger soul, or some certain aspect of a higher soul self. This is why when we die we become one with our over soul or class. As they are part of the higher whole or Godhead, souls on Earth are part of a higher soul aspect of creation. Like fractal patterns that repeat themselves over and over again, so it is with our souls or energy forms that we inhibit. Of course this over soul manifestation can also be wholly represented by one entity on Earth or somewhere else but in the general souls are part of soul families. So I do believe in Reincarnation because I was reborn endless times as I have written in the past. I can only influence this reality by being reborn, and at the same time this was a control type reality being reborn over and over again with no ending to this situation. Always repeating itself over and over again. So I do believe that certain aspects of the general soul do gets reborn over and over again. There is reincarnation yes, but not in the way that we believe it to be. Not all souls have been reborn here. Many souls get created by their generative energies. I believe that souls get created by the act of love. When you are in love and then impregnate a woman a new soul has the ability to be reborn or created. I am not sure about this but just speculating on thoughts. I know that evil souls get reborn in this world as well. Because if you think about it. Only souls get reborn that already exist then there would a limit on how many lives could be born here on Earth or somewhere else. And this is not the case. More and more souls are born than a constant number of souls. So in this respect you have a dynamic or elastic soul energy bodies that come into existence and go back to the source. I believe the soul energy comes from God, the evil shaddanic overlords then capture this soul essence on this plane separated from the Godhead (by being atheistical, as they have programmed millions of people with their Theory of Evolution.) and then consume it by sacrificing them during wars, diseases and more. But I do believe is some type of reincarnation. When the oversouls or permanent entities get born like God or the Gods. Then this is a continuous stream of births and deaths, and I even believe that we are being kept in this system by design. A type of trap. God or the oversouls should not be reborn all the times, they should have the choice. But we do not since Kali rules over us all. She keeps us in this never ending cycle of death and rebirth to keep us under control.

At the same time new souls are created, old souls who make it back to the source seize to exist for us, but all other souls have to live on this timeline or other dimensional timelines. And they too can be trapped in this reincarnational cycle over and over again. So not all people have been reborn, they are new. Either from divine energy or malicious negative energy, evil, or Kali. This is only logical, that new souls can be made by the act of creation here on Earth. Without it we would have not enough souls or soul matrices to inhibit the many many different lifeforms on Earth. So soul “destruction” and soul creation is part of a natural process. With soul destruction I mean the reunification of the soul matrix with the Godhead. I have seen though that all the negative soul energies will not be unified with the Godhead, that they will be destroyed. They are evil energy, like a disease that should be avoided at all costs.

New Souls are created by the act of love.

We conclude, that souls can be created, go back to the source, or be destroyed. There are many old souls on this planet but not all are old souls, they have been created during the creationary act. Without evil souls would have two points of references. One the soul creation. And two the soul merging with the oversoul body. This is the never ending natural cycle of soul or life creation and soul reintegration with the whole or Godhead. The goal of a soul is to reunite at the end with God. Male and Female aspects of creation become one with the Male and Female God Aspect. So again, reincarnation is a fact for many people but if you are a new soul you would have never existed before, so in this respect reincarnation is not true for those entities. Many entities just exist for one life and seize or merge again after just one life.

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