My log
15th of April 2014
Reality on
Reincarnation ~ Soul overbodies Part 2
was thinking about this again. That certain aspects or souls matrices
repeat themselves over and over again throughout creation. In this
respect lower order souls can merge with their higher soul bodies and
without knowing it become the conscious overbody soul. I have had
episodes where I saw myself multiple times on the other world. I saw
myself cleansed and then saw two mes becoming one, I actually felt
this how it went. I merged with my other me or other soul and became
one conscious entity. This is why in my scriptures it is said that
many will become one with God or the Godhead. Now this is only
possible if you have the affinity to do it and you are ready to merge
with the whole again. And of course if God finds you close enough to
his soul matrix that he can merge with you.
came to the fallowing conclusion about souls and reincarnation. In
the animal world the souls are created over and over again from the
soul essence of God, in many different varieties this soul can be
tuned and depending on which gene programming and father and mother
soul you will get a different personality. Also the external factors
play a role in the programming of the soul matrix. The moon, the
planets the stellar constellations all have an influence on the soul
generation. Actually the genetic disposition is not that important,
only for the external view on how the entity will look like. I
believe according to my insight that the soul chooses from the
genetic program what parts he want to activate. Like a computer game
we can choose the Avatar on how we look on this world by looking at
the genetic program. Of course there is a limited genetic program the
soul can choose from so we cannot look black or Asian on a white
couple. But if you have the genetic imprint for blue and brown eyes
then you can choose which one you will activate. I believe that the
soul chooses then the certain segments of the genetic programming
that he or she wants to activate during this life time.
animal souls and even human souls get generated from the source by
the act of copulation or love. Not all humans get reborn over and
over again. It is only those that are trapped here by the software
program that forces people to get reborn. Another way to get reborn
or not be part of the Godhead our overhead soulmatrix is when people
do not believe in God, when their beliefs separates them from the
source. When they die they do not merge or go to Paradise in this
respect, they are left here in between worlds. Some even become food
for the negative entities. And that is what they actually want you to
become, separated from the divine source such that you become a
possible meal for these dark and evil entities. Humans that know the
truth about God and his Angels, about the Female and Male aspect of
Creation, they know about this and are never severed from the source.
People who believe in God can be aided by him. I have seen numerous
times where God, the Father helps people without them knowing about
it. Sometimes there are events in your life where you simply thank
God for giving you that experience. I had this once on Tenerife where
I talked to Candelaria and I believe Pedro or Jose I am not sure
about his name, well I talked to them in such a profound high
spiritual level that I thanked God after those 2 nights we had. It
was simply incredible. After I woke up I actually saw my spiritual
father altering and manipulating my past me where I was talking to
Cande and Pedro about sex actually. That sex is a good thing, that it
helps keep you healthy, and that the endorphins that are released are
more powerful than any drug. So sex is healthy and good I told them
but if you are in love, this act becomes a divine act, a sacred act,
it is indescribable in words, you have to feel it to know that God
goes through you when you are in love and then do the sacred act of
creation. I saw my spiritual father talking to some Spanish girls
about this and he spoke to them, and by holding my conversation on
Earth in Tenerife (Lourdes, San Marcos) I talked to the Spanish
Folkbody. And they understood me. I had this many times where I
apparently talk to the higher soul aspect while talking through
normal people. This happened many times in Berlin with Gigi and
back to soul mechanics.
Animals have souls that come and go back to the source. |
Souls at the end reintegrate with Godhead. |
we see the animals, they all have souls. They have a parent soul. In
the other world there are finer versions of these animals as a
software backup. They exist. But these parent souls are again
connected to a higher soul matrix and so on.
believe that there is no general reincarnation for living entities.
It is possible yes but not necessary. Yes you can get reborn over and
over again, but this is not our nature to do so. We should have the
choice if we wanna be born again and again. And I came to the
insight, that I and many others are trapped down here. Our souls are
forced to get reborn as a plan to control our souls in this dream
type reality. I have seen a chess like board, like a wall full of
squares. All these squares represented conduits for certain souls to
be reborn again. This was a program to control God and his people by
forcing them to be reborn. Yes I have read that Hare Krishna gets
reborn in every age when the people lose their ways and are in great
distress. But this should not be. Krishna or God should not be forced
to be reborn to enlighten the people down here. It should be peaceful
and quiet and God should have the choice to be born in a beautiful
healthy and peaceful society. Instead you see him getting reborn over
and over again, last time in Hitler (the truth about Hitler, research
that) and this time as Jesus Christ. The evil forces on Earth hate
God with all their might. They too are generated by the evil energies
that exist, mind certain aspects of them are eternal in their own
sense. This means that evil overlords also get reborn often or over
and over again to thwart God and destroy his people. At the end of
times Jesus Christ will obliterate the source of evil. No traces of
evil will be left. His day will be terrible and he will be terrible
to all those that oppose God and the spreading of the Light on Earth.
Judgment Day will be so horrible that the people will fear Jesus
Christ or God. So yes Jesus Christ has been reborn over and over
again, but not all souls that are here on Earth right now have been
reborn before. Mostly souls get created and then merge with their
parent souls, this process happens over and over again. And no you
are not forced to have lived countless lives to experience everything
in order to merge with God or the Godhead. This would be like some
kind of punishment. But I have see that many will need the necessary
experiences to make sure that this never ever repeats itself. I have
seen many people or souls within me experiencing what I experienced
in order for them to come straight and clean of what happened to me
or God in this respect. You have to feel and experience to understand
so that is why many people will relive past lives of their former
victims to make them understand why and how. And to make the forgive
themselves in the process. So yes in this respect we exist and
experience certain things such that we can learn and to comprehend.
yes you exist separated from the source as long as you want to exist.
This is all about experiences and living life how it should be. I
have seen my other worldly horse, a beautiful white stallion. So I
have seen animals on the other planes, so yes they exist. But there
is no endless generation of souls neverending. There is an ending and
this is when the soul merges again together with the Godhead. Female
or Male souls merge with their female and male parent souls. To
create a soul you need the merging of the Male and Female Ilu
Energies, this happens during copulation. Or in the other world this
happens more abstract. The male and woman simply merge together and
become a formless entity. I did this once on the other world. I
merged with my soulmate and had structure but it was very difficult
to keep that structure. To have creation you need duality.
the facts now presented:
- Souls can be created
- Souls can be reintegrated with the Godhead
- Souls can also be destroyed
- Reincarnation is a reality for many but not all
- Jesus Christ gets reborn over and over again as a control mechanism.
- There is free will on our plane
- That is why we can either choose for evil or good
- God is not responsible for what man does
- God helps those that believe in him in unseen ways
- For souls to reintegrate with the Godhead they need to believe in him or know that he exists.
- Judgment Day will be horrific.
- The source of evil will be destroyed.
- Paradise or eternal peace on Earth after Judgment Day.
of my Blog.
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